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The Third Threshold: Functioning Body of Unity

Living as the emerging edge of human consciousness

Discovering this work can be a strange but wondrous experience. Often people recognize that they come from the same future and feel a deep alignment with those of us who are here. Intuitively, we know that we need each other to live together in that future. The Evolutionary Collective Core exists in service to shared unity, to facilitate its evolution in and through us. We are living the next stage of human development now together.

The work of the Evolutionary Collective is inspired by the vision of an emerging humanity in the new era of unity.

The new potentials for humanity emerge between us when we gather in miraculous ways, for the noblest of reasons, with the perfect amount of sensitivity and commitment. There are specific conditions necessary. Core membership is a commitment to the lived embodiment of unitive awareness. As a Core member you are inside a qualitative shift, living in a new reality of that is emerging.

In Unity,


the land of truth

Twelve Days of Virtual Intensives

Six 2-day intensives allow the Core the necessary time to deepen. Schedule provided below. Estimated value $3,575.

the land of truth

Weekly Core Flow Practices

Gather with dedicated people worldwide who are committed and capable of living inside a body of unity. Inhabit the space where the leading edge of human evolution emerges through practices dedicated to furthering the current Core explorations. The schedule is provided below. Estimated value $1,200.

Mutual Awakening- Symbol

Private Facebook Group

Our Facebook page is a part of the interbeing consciousness. Members are invited to deepen in and engage by sharing, connecting, and practicing inside our Evolutionary Collective Core agreements, Activating Principles, and Vectors. 

the land of truth

Private Virtual Seminars with Patricia Albere & Core Members

22 unique teaching and practice sessions designed to catalyze, support, and integrate further alignment with the highest potentials of evolution. Our main teaching calls will be the A Sessions on alternating Thursdays from 9:30 to 11 am PT / 12:30 to 2 pm ET. There will be an additional teaching call with the Session A content alternating Thursdays from 5 to 6:30 pm PT / 8 to 9:30 pm ET. The schedule is provided below. Estimated value of $2,300.


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Recordings of Core Calls

Recordings of all Thursday A Session & Intensives.

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Membership Portal

Exclusive, membership-based, page with access to all the Core materials, recordings, and resources.

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Discounted Participation in any Evolutionary Collective Intensives and Events

Receive a special tuition rate for additional events, classes, and retreats offered by the Evolutionary Collective not included in your Core membership. 

Membership in the Evolutionary Collective Core is an opportunity for you to pioneer the leading edge of human consciousness.





As a living body of unity, our transformation continues to depend on awareness, consciousness, plasticity, unreserved alignment, and sincerity as we open our very cells to the evolutionary forces that exist. Supramental consciousness is the livingness of awakened matter. 

In this trimester, we will:


  • Deepen and explore the supramental realm of reality together. 
  • Become sensitive to the vibrational matrix of the supramental.
  • Consider vertical time.
  • Explore surrender as an active process of trust.



The phenomenon by which everything reacts to everything in the universe was called the contagion by the Mother. Everything is nearly reduced to a capacity of spreading the experience, of including [the rest] in the experience which means we are the carrier of the supramental contagion. All of existence is unique on every level of reality. Full immersion in that truth ignites our awareness and capacity for love.  

In this trimester, we will:

  • Open to our capacity for contagion.
  • Explore the power and importance of sharing, spreading and allowing the material reality to come into being.

FALL 2025


It is clear that if humanity is to bring forth a new consciousness, discovering how to live in unity and as a body of unity is needed. The living body initiates magnetic impulses or waves of attracting energy. Orchestrated action brings others into this living body.   

In this trimester, we will:

  • Examine the magnetism of alignment within shared unity.
  • Explore the dynamism of oneness in action.
  • Move beyond our current limitations in recognizing the importance of the Divine evolutionary direction.
  • Share in learning to navigate our lives and life in our multidimensional reality.
  • Discover together how to live in the world with our existence in more than one realm.


For a complete listing of our 2025 schedule, click the link below. It includes all Monday Core Flow, Thursday Teaching Sessions, and 2-Day Retreats.


In the world of spiritual enlightenment, people who have experienced awakenings almost always experience them individually – eyes shut, in quiet solitude. The spiritual paradigm of the last three thousand years has been singularly devoted to our individual salvation or solo enlightenment.

Patricia Albere uniquely experienced a sustained awakening that resulted in a different kind of realization, a dual realization that happened with another. That shared awakening points to a new dimension of consciousness and an extraordinary possibility for humanity’s future. The consciousness mirrors the discoveries of quantum physics, and some have called this mutual awakening or unilocal realization.

Patricia is perfectly positioned to bring forth the transmission, practices, and perspectives that will allow us to awaken into shared unity together. Her work creates a powerful and palpable field of shared consciousness and love that reveals previously unimagined human potentials that can move humanity far beyond the limits of personal growth or self-development and into mutual awakening. Patricia is an internationally known spiritual teacher, visionary and the founder of the Evolutionary Collective and bestselling author of EVOLUTIONARY RELATIONSHIPS: Unleashing the Transformative Power of Mutual Awakening.


Led by the mystical call and a deep reverence for the body, Sherry has been immersed in the fields of health care, holistic healing, personal transformation, and spiritual evolution since 1972. The foundational influence of her journey was 21 years as a Critical Care nurse.  It was there that she learned to meet the edge of life and death with wonder, compassion, and a depth of presence.   She discovered the innate healing abilities within us all and was catapulted into developing her capacities as a teacher, healer, therapist, and visionary leader.

Carried by the urging of her soul’s longing, she transitioned from nursing, studied Energy Medicine and Healing,  and was then asked to join the faculty and administration of the Barbara Brennan  School of Healing.  Through her many roles, she has facilitated thousands of people in the process of awakening and healing.  She has taught, guided individuals, and led groups throughout the United States, Europe, Japan, and the Middle East, and has now committed herself to the emergent edge of a new reality, one that is orchestrated through the many as the one.    As part of the Core of the Evolutionary Collective, she has realized new potentials and has become devoted to the Divine unfolding of evolutionary love through mutual awakening.

Her life is in service to humanity’s future as a living body of unity.