Dear Friend,
Thank you to everyone who was able to join Carl and I for the interactive Heaven on Earth Q & A Session last Friday. It was wonderful to be able to more deeply explore the real potentials of the Ninth Wave.
We had a particularly illuminating conversation with Sonia. She asked about how to synchronize our actions together inside of the Ninth Wave. Click the video below to see Carl and my answers.
Clearly, existence is calling us to come into resonance with the highest possible potentials at this time. Understanding the significance of the Ninth Wave and the nature of evolution is the first step. The next steps include knowing how to access and live from the Ninth Wave.
Access depends on creating resonance through shared unity. Access does not occur through separateness, or through our individuality.
I mentioned during our Q & A Session that I will be offering a special free follow-up workshop titled Beyond Me to We: Accessing our Highest Potentials Through Mutual Awakening. This 75 minute workshop will be specifically designed to continue the conversation we’ve started about moving beyond the orientation of our individual path to a shared unity inside the Ninth Wave.
During the workshop I’ll share
- About the practice of Mutual Awakening
- Where the Mutual Awakening practice came from
- How Mutual Awakening reliably helps you cross the threshold from an individual orientation to a unitive orientation
There will also be time for getting your individual questions answered so we can continue the conversation of how to bring the Ninth Wave even more into the world now.
It all happens Saturday, January 23rd from 9 to 10:15 am Pacific Time / Noon to 1:15 pm Eastern Time / Your Time Zone.
Reserve Your Free Spot in our Upcoming Beyond Me to We Workshop on Saturday, January 23rd and plan on joining LIVE.
If you can’t attend live, go ahead and register anyway. The entire workshop will be recorded and sent out later. There is absolutely no charge to register or participate.
Simply click here to reserve your spot and find out all the exciting details.
In Unity,
Author of Evolutionary Relationships
Found of The Evolutionary Collective
P.S. I especially want to thank Dr. Carl Calleman for sharing so clearly and so brilliantly, the quantum-holographic perspective on the evolutionary history of existence and consciousness and the evidence for the ninth evolutionary wave.
If you haven’t already signed up to stay connected with Carl’s work, I encourage you to do that.
Simply visit his website to sign up for his email list: