Open to what’s possible &
engage with the future
of human existence.

with Evolutionary Collective

6-Module course

Evolutionary Eyes

Perception Beyond Our Known Reality

Join thousands discovering what the highest forces of evolution are bringing forth

At this moment in our evolutionary journey, something extraordinary is happening. A new possibility for humanity is available. For the most part, the truly new potentials are indiscernible. It is important to be together and become aware of the signs and stirrings, giving them our attention and our energy. Evolution needs those who value what isn’t apparent to most of the world and have the courage to take the new signs seriously. 

EVOLUTIONARY EYES: Perception Beyond Our Known Reality is not another course to add to your skills and capacities or to heal or improve yourself – although that happens. This is a unique invitation to align with the evolutionary forces creating the future now.

Listen far beneath the surface of the chaos and disruption.

There is an invitation into a new world – one based not on separation, divisiveness, and hyper-individuation but on egoless shared unity and alchemical love.

This is a clarion call to those who belong to a future that is not an extension of the past or our current reality and want to participate in its emergence. (You know who you are.)

Clarion does not just mean a clear call, but a crystal clear call. A call that is unmistakable and overwhelmingly undeniable.

But it only exists and can be heard by those listening for it.

Join Patricia Albere for this 6-module journey designed to awaken your multi-sensory capacity to see, receive, and experience this shared emerging reality. 

A New Reality Awaits

For those who feel the pull, for those who know there has to be more – this is for you

The world we have known is not the end. Evolution is not finished. Divinization is not an abstract ideal; it is living, practical, and our inevitable future. Together, with awakened EVOLUTIONARY EYES, we will embrace this emerging reality.

EVOLUTIONARY EYES is for those who…

Sense that the world we currently live in is not all there is.

Dare to know that our current level of humanity is an interim state and was never meant to be the ultimate expression of the human species.

Feel the stirrings of what is now emerging and becoming possible.

With Evolutionary Eyes, you will

Gain an evolutionary perspective that penetrates every aspect of life and our role in it.

Irreversibly see that humanity, as we currently know it, is not final.

See in detail the holographic evolutionary waves of creation that give us insight into human history and current affairs.

Embrace your divine discontent as an opening to a new possibility for humanity and the world.

Learn that humanity’s next evolution is through the divinization of existence and how to fully participate in that era of fulfillment.

A Module-by-Module Course Overview

For the first time since the Evolutionary Collective began in 2008, Founder Patricia Albere is offering this 6-module course, EVOLUTIONARY EYES: Perception Beyond Our Known Reality, to the public. Patricia and a few thousand dedicated people have been immersed in exploring the living emergence of a new evolutionary potential for humanity. From the clarity and power that this extensive engagement provides, Patricia is now ready to share the foundational underpinnings that gives us access to the world of shared unity we’ve been working in. 

Each module builds upon the last, guiding you step by step into deeper realities, profound truths, and practical access to what lies beyond humanity as we know it. 

Module One


Ignite your awakening to more and break out of your fixed way of being by recognizing the severe limitations created when you rely on your separate experience. To inspire your own movement coming from this evolutionary future, Patricia will share her personal journey of listening and following an evolutionary impulse without knowing what it was leading her to.

Module Two

Beyond the Human Species

Discover the design of our current human experience, way of functioning, and the potential leap into a new possibility through what Patricia calls the First and Second Threshold of Unity. Insights from other visionaries will be shared to further support your capacity to see.

Module Three

Civilization Begins

In this module, you will learn about the Nine Waves of Creation, holographic evolution, and the significant thresholds we are collectively crossing. You’ll learn about evolution and the first three holographic waves covering pre-historic times through civilization’s beginning. We’ll then journey all the way through the influences of the Industrial Revolution, scientific discoveries, and democratic philosophies.

Module Four


Continuing our exploration of the Nine Waves of Creation, we will examine the eighth wave, which serves as a bridge to divinization. We will discuss the importance of moving beyond our individual focus on healing and awakening. Additionally, we will explore why the digital age alone cannot elevate us beyond our current state of humanity and what can facilitate this shift. 

Module Five

Divinization & the Cellular Awakening of Existence

Completing our journey through the Nive Waves of Creation, we will finally focus on the ninth wave of creation, which brings an entirely new cellular awakening of existence. You will discover the destiny of humanity as an expression of divine love and the ways this love becomes embodied and real in shared unity.

Module Six

Participation in Humanity’s Destiny

In this final module, we focus on the destiny of humanity and our role in its unfolding. Through the lens of Mutual Awakening and shared unity, we will explore practical access to living and participating in the divinization of existence. This is the great adventure of our time.

Course Materials & Resources

  • 6 LIVE Wednesday sessions with Evolutionary Collective Founder Patricia Albere – where you’ll be guided through a new course module each session.
  • Weekly integration homework – Begin applying what you learn immediately and start awakening your evolutionary eyes through readings, exercises, and reflection questions. 
  • Audio and video recordings of the live course – so you can listen to the course during the week.
  • Lifetime access to the Evolutionary Eyes evergreen course (value of $497) – including video and audio teachings of all the modules.

What MEMBERS Are Saying about Patricia Albere &
The Evolutionary Collective

Virtual Course Schedule

EVOLUTIONARY EYES is a LIVE introductory 6-session course, open to the public offered on Zoom. 

We will meet for six Wednesdays. Each session is 90 minutes long and will include teaching with time for participant sharing, questions, and reflection. Live attendance is encouraged but not required. Everyone registered will receive all course materials.

  • Module One: SOMETHING ELSE
    Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025
    10:30 am to Noon PT / 1:30 to 3 pm ET / Your Time Zone
    Wednesday, January 29th, 2025
    10:30 am to Noon PT / 1:30 to 3 pm ET / Your Time Zone
    Wednesday, February 5th, 2025
    10:30 am to Noon PT / 1:30 to 3 pm ET / Your Time Zone
    Wednesday, February 12th, 2025
    10:30 am to Noon PT / 1:30 to 3 pm ET / Your Time Zone
    Wednesday, February 19th, 2025
    10:30 am to Noon PT / 1:30 to 3 pm ET / Your Time Zone
    Wednesday, February 26th, 2025
    10:30 am to Noon PT / 1:30 to 3 pm ET / Your Time Zone

Register Here For

Perception Beyond Our Known Reality

-2 Ways To Register-

Full Price: $497

Option 1:


Option 2:


Please Note: each person planning on attending needs to register separately.

We’re so confident of the value EVOLUTIONARY EYES: Perception Beyond Our Known Reality delivers we offer a full, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee if you decide you want to cancel your registration within 7 days of the start of the course.


We are committed to providing a way for people around the world of all ages, ethnicities, and socio-economic statuses to enter into shared unity and stabilize a new consciousness for humanity. If you need financial assistance to participate in an Accelerator, CLICK HERE to learn more about the guidelines to receive financial support and to apply.

What Some of the World’s Top Thought Leaders Are Saying About Patricia Albere

“Patricia Albere is opening the evolutionary doorway to the next stage of human evolution. Her Mutual Awakening Practice enables us to embody and to connect . . . until we form a new whole being. The Mutual Awakening practice is, I believe, a vital evolutionary necessity for the quantum jump that is imminent when we humans are connected as a whole at the proper scale.”

Barbara Marx Hubbard

Prolific Author and Founder of The Foundation for Conscious Evolution

“Patricia is doing some of the most innovative work now happening at the leading edge of human evolution. I’m aware of spiritual teachers who are intuiting and talking about the emergence of this ‘Higher We’ but I’m not aware of anyone who is as articulate and well-practiced in bringing people into these fields of shared consciousness as she is.”

Stephen Dinan

Prolific Author and Founder of The Foundation for Conscious Evolution, CEO and Founder of the Shift Network

“Patricia’s vision is fresh, compelling, and above all hopeful. Her work holds the potent and powerful promise of moving us to the next level of our individual and collective awakening. Because of the path her work is forging, I predict that one day soon, we will find ourselves walking down the street, driving in our cars, or sitting on a subway, profoundly related to and organically connected to those around us, whether we know them personally or not. For when enough of us are awake in this way, we then will know how to solve our many unsolvable problems and co-create a world that we will feel proud to pass on to future generations.”

Katherine Woodward Thomas

New York Times Bestselling Author

About Patricia Albere

In the world of spiritual enlightenment, people who have experienced awakenings almost always experience them individually – eyes shut, in quiet solitude. The spiritual paradigm of the last three thousand years has been singularly devoted to our individual salvation or solo enlightenment.

Patricia Albere, uniquely experienced a sustained awakening that resulted in a different kind of realization, a dual realization that happened with another. That shared awakening points to a new dimension of consciousness and an extraordinary possibility for humanity’s future. The consciousness mirrors the discoveries of quantum physics, and some have called this mutual awakening or unilocal realization.

Patricia is perfectly positioned to bring forth the transmission, practices and perspectives that will allow us to awaken into shared unity together. Her work creates a powerful and palpable field of shared consciousness and love that reveals previously unimagined human potentials that can move humanity far beyond the limits of personal growth or self-development and into mutual awakening. Patricia is an internationally known spiritual teacher, visionary and the founder of the Evolutionary Collective and bestselling author of EVOLUTIONARY RELATIONSHIPS: Unleashing the Transformative Power of Mutual Awakening.