Evolutionary Collective Global is the premier online mutual awakening practice community available to those who have successfully completed the Mutual Awakening Practice 4 session course. When Patricia Albere's best selling book came out in 2018 EVOLUTIONARY RELATIONSHIPS: UNLEASHING THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF MUTUAL AWAKENING, it was abundantly clear that an in depth course to bring people deeply into the practice and an ongoing platform was now necessary.
In merely 20 years, the Internet has exploded our opportunities to connect . . . but at what level? It offers us nearly instant access to knowledge, information and a certain level of connection with almost anyone, anywhere in the world.
People from all over the world are gathering on Zoom to enter into the Mutual Awakening Practice together moving us from the Internet to the Inner-net. We hope you will join us in pioneering this 21st century shared unitive practice so that someday thousands, even millions of us can join together to facilitate this critical shift into shared awakened consciousness.
Nearly every day, human beings can meet from what is deepest in ourselves and create a web of profound human love and connection that can envelope our world and transform our lives.
The Evolutionary Collective is a powerful and palpable space of collective awakening that has been evolving since its inception 12 years ago. There is a noble exchange that occurs when practicing inside this developed field . . . a true mutuality that is both transmissive and supercharged.
We meet in this global space of practice where we can come together from all over the world. At last, we are harnessing the connective power of the Internet to revolutionize evolution itself and spread unity consciousness on a global scale.
Awakened love is and should be viral, after all!
- You will be met by people who are as devoted, available and open as you are. As a result, there can be a true mutuality that uplifts not just your practice, but serves the energy and momentum of the whole field of consciousness.
- In our WE-Praxis 90 minute teaching sessions, unique leading-edge wisdom and original emergent perspectives will be conveyed in every session. These teachings arise from a new dimension of collective spiritual awakening. The work that will be shared with you is only available inside a committed teaching environment.
- The community is designed as a collective incubator. This powerful container gives you access to the expert guidance you need to deepen and expand your practice, coupled with the opportunity to infuse the space with the unique energetic offering only you have to give.
- Membership in a community of practice with others who are experienced and committed to deepen inside this consciousness of shared unity.
- Access to 30-minute and 50-minute LIVE Mutual Awakening practice (we call them WE-MAP) sessions seven days a week on Zoom led by Mutual Awakening Teachers designed to accommodate all time zones. You can access the full schedule that includes sessions by dates and time zone here.
- Exclusive access to monthly 90 minute LIVE WE-Praxis intensives (annual value of $697). The sessions are at 10 - 11:30 am Pacific Time / 1 - 2:30 pm Eastern Time. The full schedule can be found here.
- Full access to a library of WE-Praxis unique content (annual value of $497) – including 12 WE-Praxis audio recordings and inspirational quotes so you can reference these powerful teachings again and again.
Global Optimizers approximately every 4 months led by the Global leadership team dedicated to optimizing your Evolutionary Collective Global membership. These 45-minute sessions focus on being inside the larger purpose of Evolutionary Collective Global, how to successfully access the resources available to you on the Global Portal and any questions you might have. Dates are provided upon membership activation.

Live WE-MAP Sessions lead by Mutual Awakening Teachers are on:
- 5:30 am Pacific Time / 8:30 am Eastern Time
Practice only (30 min) - 11 am Pacific Time / 2 pm Eastern Time
Teaching & Practice (50 min)
- Noon Pacific Time / 3 pm Eastern Time
Practice only (30 min) - 7:30 pm Pacific Time / 10:30 pm Eastern Time
Teaching & Practice (50 min)
- 9 am Pacific Time / noon Eastern Time
Teaching & Practice (50 min) - 5:30 pm Pacific Time / 8:30 pm Eastern Time
Practice only (30 min)
- 5:30 am Pacific Time / 8:30 am Eastern Time
Teaching & Practice (50 min) - Noon Pacific Time / 3 pm Eastern Time
Practice only (30 min)
- 9 am Pacific Time / noon Eastern Time
Teaching & Practice (50 min)
- 8 am Pacific Time / 11 am Eastern Time
Teaching & Practice (50 min)
- 9 am Pacific Time / Noon Eastern Time
Teaching & Practice (50 min)
Live 90 minute Global Sessions

An essential feature of our online practice community
is WE-Praxis.
So, what does Praxis Mean?
Calvin O. Schrag defines PRAXIS as the manner in which we are engaged in the world and with others, which has its own insight or understanding prior to any explicit formulation of that understanding.
Although Praxis has many definitions, this concept of doing something and only afterwards finding out why you did it is the reason we named this powerful monthly series WE-Praxis.
Our work together is defined by stepping into direct experience inside new realms of love, consciousness and knowledge. More importantly, we are stepping into this new world together, practicing it into being.

Tuesday, August 6th, 2024
10 - 11:30 am Pacific Time / 1 - 2:30 pm Eastern Time / 7 - 8:30 pm Central European Time
Human beings have always been fascinated with pure states of creativity, flow, and the ability to become one with what they are doing. Athletes, musicians, lovers, artists, mystics, and other kinds of creatives know intimately what flow is and why it is so precious to us. The illusive qualities of genius and true mastery are always displayed within a flow state.
Unitive Flow is a new evolutionary potential we can learn to access and live from that circumvents our normal barriers to flow. In this session, we will activate flow states through shared unity.

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024
10 - 11:30 am Pacific Time / 1 - 2:30 pm Eastern Time / 7 - 8:30 pm Central European Time
Sovereign Self is another name for the Origination Point. It is embedded within the evolutionary fabric of unity that is giving humanity a new way of existence. We experience ourselves as lightness, a substantial nothingness that is pure joy, where love flows through us instead of frustrated ego activity. Our uniqueness and particularity are divinely sourced and radically intimate with all of existence.
In this session, we’ll directly experience the power and the sovereignty that flows through the origination point contact and further illuminate being sourced as it is in the practice.

Tuesday, October 1st, 2024
10 - 11:30 am Pacific Time / 1 - 2:30 pm Eastern Time / 7 - 8:30 pm Central European Time
In Mutual Awakening, we turn towards the other through our origination point contact and meet inside egoless shared unity. When we meet in this way, we make direct contact with divinity beyond the personal. In this experience, the contact that we have made becomes a source of energy, light, and love. Reality becomes fluid emergence beyond anything grounded in the personal or even interpersonal.
During this session, we’ll keep honing our capacity to stay on the edge of emergence through practice.

10 - 11:30 am Pacific Time / 1 - 2:30 pm Eastern Time / 7 - 8:30 pm Central European Time
Most of the world understands grace from the perspective of being an individual human on a journey of life and awakening. In the world of light and dark, we learn through our actions and efforts. Evolutionary Grace has some similarities to the original source of grace but finally operates as a pure force of existence.
In this session, we’ll discover how Evolutionary Grace not only wipes out the past and awakens us to our divinity but also offers a stable existence as the origination point within shared unity. It functions from beyond the laws of this world.

10 - 11:30 am Pacific Time / 1 - 2:30 pm Eastern Time / 7 - 8:30 pm Central European Time
Join The
Evolutionary Collective Global Community
Then just $125 / month after that.
We’re so confident of the value our Evolutionary Collective Global Community delivers that we offer a no-questions-asked guarantee if you decide you want to cancel your registration during the first 14 days of your free membership period.
-- A vital evolutionary necessity
Patricia Albere is opening the evolutionary doorway to the next stage of human evolution. Her Mutual Awakening Practice enables us to embody and to connect . . . until we form a new whole being. The Mutual Awakening practice is, I believe, a vital evolutionary necessity for the quantum jump that is imminent when we humans are connected as a whole at the proper scale.

Barbara Marx Hubbard,
Prolific Author and Founder of The Foundation for Conscious Evolution
-- The most innovative work now happening
“Patricia is doing some of the most innovative work now happening at the leading edge of human evolution. I’m aware of spiritual teachers who are intuiting and talking about the emergence of this ‘Higher We’ but I’m not aware of anyone who is as articulate and well-practiced in bringing people into these fields of shared consciousness as she is.”

Stephen Dinan,
CEO and Founder of the Shift Network
-- Extraordinary moments of connection
“What a powerful and simple way to come together! I’m living extraordinary moments of connection with the Mutual Awakening Practice. Things are powerfully opening up, leading me to unexpected and unknown places of intimacy and connection. I feel tectonic plates are shifting in my personality revealing the next era of Being.”

Martin Rutte,
Co-author of the New York Times Business Bestseller, Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work & Founder of Project Heaven On Earth
-- Fresh, compelling, and above all hopeful.
“Patricia's vision is fresh, compelling, and above all hopeful. Her work holds the potent and powerful promise of moving us to the next level of our individual and collective awakening. Because of the path her work is forging, I predict that one day soon, we will find ourselves walking down the street, driving in our cars, or sitting on a subway, profoundly related to and organically connected to those around us, whether we know them personally or not. For when enough of us are awake in this way, we then will know how to solve our many unsolvable problems and co-create a world that we will feel proud to pass on to future generations."

Katherine Woodward Thomas,
New York Times Bestselling Author, Marriage and Family Therapist
and Inspirational Speaker