Mutual Influence & Metness
In the Mutual Awakening Practice we are committed to being mutually open and interested in influencing each other – making a difference and having an impact. This is one of the most important aspects that lights up the potential of evolution. From inside a particular type of contact based in shared unity, when we truly affect each other, our lives are enriched, which expands the field of intimacy and contact.
It’s important to understand that bringing this evolutionary potential into being requires precision. Otherwise, it gets engulfed by that which it is not. The distinctions between egoless shared unity and other co-creative or WE-Space practices may look indiscernible to most people, but it’s completely different.
This is why we’ve created the Mutual Awakening Accelerator: A Comprehensive Immersion into Shared Unity. It’s an invitation to fully step into the practice of egoless shared unity, to deepen into this profound space of mutual awakening.
There are just a few spots left for the next Accelerator, starting Saturday, October 12th. It will be the final one we offer in 2024.
The MUTUAL AWAKENING ACCELERATOR is all about live engagement. Each of the six sessions are designed to immerse you in the living reality of shared unity. You’ll be with people new and experienced in Mutual Awakening in order to give you a more palpable taste of what living from inside here feels like.
Each 90-minute session includes:
- Teachings for accessing shared unity
- Practice with others
- Coaching
- Sharing, questions & answers
Plus, after Session Two, you’ll have guest access to our online Mutual Awakening practice community, Evolutionary Collective Global.

On EVOLUTIONARY COLLECTIVE GLOBAL, you will develop the capacity to reliably enter into the powerful lift and love of shared unity with people from around the world. The more often you join these practices, the greater the benefit—personally and for what is coming into existence.
If you feel like you’re hitting the edge of your spiritual practice and yearning for more, I encourage you to join us. We have a whole new world to discover together.
There’s Only a Couple of Spaces Left!
The number of participants in each Accelerator is intentionally limited to a small, intimate group to best facilitate your acclimation to Mutual Awakening. We still have a couple of spaces left. I’d love for you to join us.
Starting Saturday, October 12th with Sherry Pae
Session dates:
Saturdays, on October 12th, October 19th, October 26th, November 9th, November 16th, November 23rd.
*Note that we’re skipping November 2nd
8 to 9:30 am Pacific Time / 11 am to 12:30 pm Eastern Time / Your Time Zone
Before you register, make sure you are available to attend at least five sessions (attending all six sessions is ideal).
If you have a schedule conflict for a session or any questions about the Accelerator, please email Carolyne Mathlin at carolyne@evolutionarycollective.com. She is the Executive Director and a Mutual Awakening Teacher. She will be happy to support you further.
The Mutual Awakening Accelerators are designed to gather those who hear the clarion call and want to participate in the emerging future. We hope you’ll join us.
In the world of spiritual enlightenment, people who have experienced awakenings almost always experience them individually – eyes shut, in quiet solitude. The spiritual paradigm of the last three thousand years has been singularly devoted to our individual salvation or solo enlightenment.
Patricia Albere, uniquely experienced a sustained awakening that resulted in a different kind of realization, a dual realization that happened with another. That shared awakening points to a new dimension of consciousness and an extraordinary possibility for humanity’s future. The consciousness mirrors the discoveries of quantum physics, and some have called this mutual awakening or unilocal realization.
Patricia is perfectly positioned to bring forth the transmission, practices and perspectives that will allow us to awaken into shared unity together. Her work creates a powerful and palpable field of shared consciousness and love that reveals previously unimagined human potentials that can move humanity far beyond the limits of personal growth or self-development and into mutual awakening. Patricia is an internationally known spiritual teacher, visionary and the founder of the Evolutionary Collective and bestselling author of EVOLUTIONARY RELATIONSHIPS: Unleashing the Transformative Power of Mutual Awakening.
Led by the mystical call and a deep reverence for the body, Sherry has been immersed in the fields of health care, holistic healing, personal transformation, and spiritual evolution since 1972. The foundational influence of her journey was 21 years as a Critical Care nurse. It was there that she learned to meet the edge of life and death with wonder, compassion, and a depth of presence. She discovered the innate healing abilities within us all and was catapulted into developing her capacities as a teacher, healer, therapist, and visionary leader.
Carried by the urging of her soul’s longing, she transitioned from nursing, studied Energy Medicine and Healing, and was then asked to join the faculty and administration of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Through her many roles, she has facilitated thousands of people in the process of awakening and healing. She has taught, guided individuals, and led groups throughout the United States, Europe, Japan, and the Middle East, and has now committed herself to the emergent edge of a new reality, one that is orchestrated through the many as the one. As part of the Core of the Evolutionary Collective, she has realized new potentials and has become devoted to the Divine unfolding of evolutionary love through mutual awakening.
Her life is in service to humanity’s future as a living body of unity.