Navigating This

Pivotal Time

With Contemporary Spiritual Teacher &
Evolutionary Collective Founder Patricia Albere


You’ll receive a link to the recording via email shortly after you register.

As the faint emergence of the new beckons,
Evolution actively brings forth endings.

A revolution of living shared unity calls to us.

A new renaissance begins…

Historians use “The Renaissance” to describe when, in the 14th century, humanity began to awaken and move from the medieval Middle Ages to the 17th Century, the modern Age of Reason. They had the bubonic plague or the Black Death, which also helped our evolutionary trajectory at that time. The word renaissance implied a rediscovery or rebirth of rational civilization after what Renaissance thinkers considered dark, primitive times.

We currently have our version of backsliding into what can seem dark and primitive. The next critical shift for humanity is upon us as we struggle to evolve beyond being a society run exclusively by knowledge, technology, self-concern, greed, and power.

For the most part, the truly new potentials are indiscernible and barely findable, yet they are there without question. Evolution needs those who value what isn’t apparent to most of the world and have the courage to take it seriously. 

Listen far beneath the surface of the chaos and disruption.

There is an invitation into a new world – one based not on separation, divisiveness, and hyper-individuation but on egoless shared unity and alchemical love.

This is a clarion call to those who belong to a future that is not an extension of the past or our current reality and want to participate in its emergence. (You know who you are.)

Clarion does not just mean a clear call, but a crystal clear call. A call that is unmistakable and overwhelmingly clear.

But it only exists and can be heard by those listening for it.

One thing is clear: now, more than ever, whatever the question is, UNITY and a new reality of relatedness must be the answer.

 Join Patricia Albere for a 75-minute conversation on Saturday, September 14th, during which she’ll share more about what this clarion call is pointing to and the potential it offers humanity.

Together, we will weave the fabric of this emerging reality, living as transitional beings, wholly devoted to the divinization of our world.


You’ll receive a link to the recording via email shortly after you register.


• Crystal clear

• Unmistakable

• Overwhelmingly lucid

• Audible only to those who are listening

Have you heard the clarion call from the future in one or more of these ways?

Do you watch the news and worry that we’ve made a monumental mess of things? Maybe even fear we could be on the brink of civil war & global war.

Are you less motivated to learn one more technique or devote your energy to the endless project of working on yourself?

Do you wonder how to participate in your awakening while also moving existence forward meaningfully?

Do you long for something that…

  • has to do with a richer, deeper, more potent way of being related with others?
  • points to the actualization of a new potential for humanity?

If you answered yes to one or more of the clarion calls, then…


As a visionary, teacher, and author, Patricia Albere has devoted the last 15 years to be the clarion call to those of you who are ready to engage in the larger future that is emerging. 

On September 14th, we will together weave the fabric of this emerging reality, living as transitional beings, wholly devoted to the divinization of our world.


You’ll receive a link to the recording via email shortly after you register.

About Patricia Albere

In the world of spiritual enlightenment, people who have experienced awakenings almost always experience them individually – eyes shut, in quiet solitude. The spiritual paradigm of the last three thousand years has been singularly devoted to our individual salvation or solo enlightenment.

Patricia Albere, uniquely experienced a sustained awakening that resulted in a different kind of realization, a dual realization that happened with another. That shared awakening points to a new dimension of consciousness and an extraordinary possibility for humanity’s future. The consciousness mirrors the discoveries of quantum physics, and some have called this mutual awakening or unilocal realization.

Patricia is perfectly positioned to bring forth the transmission, practices and perspectives that will allow us to awaken into shared unity together. Her work creates a powerful and palpable field of shared consciousness and love that reveals previously unimagined human potentials that can move humanity far beyond the limits of personal growth or self-development and into mutual awakening. Patricia is an internationally known spiritual teacher, visionary and the founder of the Evolutionary Collective and bestselling author of EVOLUTIONARY RELATIONSHIPS: Unleashing the Transformative Power of Mutual Awakening.