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The vision of the future is not just a dream; it is a reality waiting to be realized through our collective effort and aspiration.

The Mother

Guidelines & Application

About the Evolutionary Collective Global Development Fund

Through donors’ generous gifts, the Evolutionary Collective Global Development Fund provides a way for people around the world of all ages, ethnicities, and socio-economic statuses to enter into shared unity and stabilize a new consciousness for humanity.

We are committed to supporting people who are:

Longing for and committed to the discovery of a new reality through shared unity. 

Ready to wholeheartedly engage in the program they are requesting a scholarship for.

Already participating with the Evolutionary Collective and wish to deepen their involvement.

Willing and able to financially contribute some portion of the program cost.

Not able to participate in a program or membership without financial assistance.


If you need financial assistance to participate in one of the programs or memberships offered by the Evolutionary Collective, please review the following criteria. If you meet the criteria, complete the application through the link provided below. 


Consideration is given to applicants with one or more of the following circumstances:

  • Retired or living on a limited fixed income without the means to receive additional income.
  • Full-time and part-time students.
  • Exhaustive medical expenses.
  • Resident of a country where the living wage is disproportional to that of the United States.

How Applications Are Reviewed

  • Applications are considered in the sequence in which they are received.
  • Scholarship amounts are determined by fund availability, applicant need, and how they meet the eligibility criteria.

Application Deadlines

Do not register in advance for any program or membership you want to apply for a scholarship to.

All applications must be received at least two weeks prior to the closing registration deadline for the following:

  • Mutual Awakening Accelerator
  • Thresholds of Unity Advanced Course 
  • Living Body of Unity Incubator
  • First Year Core membership 

For Global membership, applications are accepted and considered at any time, even if you are currently a member.

Once your application has been received, you will be contacted within two weeks.     


Click the link below to complete the application.

If you have questions about applying for a scholarship, please email our scholarship team at globaldevelopment@evolutionarycollective.com. A member of our team will be happy to help you further.

If you would like to support the further expansion of the Global Development Fund, click the button below to donate now.