- Internationally recognized contemporary spiritual teacher with more than 40 years of experience teaching over 200,000 people worldwide.
- Bestselling author of two books: the groundbreaking book Evolutionary Relationships: Unleashing the Power of Mutual Awakening and Mutual Awakening: Opening to a New Paradigm of Human Relatedness.
- Former host of the global webcast Evolutionary Collective Conversations, with a following of over 700,000.
- Inspirational public speaker having done thousands of talks and teachings including large engagements at Lincoln Center, Town Hall (in New York City), Masonic Auditorium in San Francisco, and been invited to conduct workshops and retreats through the Integral Institute, Omega, Kripalu and the Shift Network.
- Founder and director of the Evolutionary Collective, a vanguard global community of innovators exploring the next stage of human evolution in a myriad of ways.
In 1971, Albere unknowingly found herself at the leading edge of the human potential movement, as an original member of the est (Erhard Seminar Training) organization (currently known as Landmark Education). Working with cultural icon and transformational movement pioneer, Werner Erhard, Albere played a pivotal role in expanding est’s reach into the world through both teaching worldwide and developing and training the organization’s leaders.
Her work with Erhard laid the foundation for Albere’s passionate commitment to transformational teaching. Her orientation is to not only give people an understanding of new perspectives but more importantly give them direct access to what she is pointing to. Talking about and understanding shared unity is entirely different from experiencing it directly and having your consciousness irrevocably changed.
By age 33, Albere was highly revered as a public speaker, transformational and spiritual teacher, having already touched the lives of thousands of people.
In 1985, her inquiry into human transformation was catapulted to an entirely new level by way of a chance meeting with the man who would become her partner of four years. With Peter, she experienced a dual awakening – one that was shared and catalyzed through a unique way of being together. For the first time, she experienced the limitless potential and divine love that can exist between two human beings and was shown a new paradigm of relating possible for all of humanity.
When Peter unexpectedly and tragically died, Albere felt compelled to discover how to give others access to the mutual awakening she had only experienced with him.
Just as meditation can be an opening to an individual awakening, Albere originated the Mutual Awakening Practice – a 21st century spiritual practice that empowers us to enter into new dimensions of relating and expanding consciousness together.
In 2007, she founded the Evolutionary Collective, a global organization that provides different opportunities for people to come together inside shared unity. There is a Global Practice Community and the Evolutionary Collective Core intensive that attracts those who want to explore the leading edge of this kind of awakening and its evolutionary potentials for all aspects of human life. Albere is recognized by other leaders in the field as being on the leading edge of a revolution in consciousness – a WEvolution – one that gives us access to new potentials for love, life and creativity.
Two expressions of her work include an ever-expanding community of global pioneers devoted to seeding and facilitating the emergence of this new paradigm. Drawn by some invisible force to create something new in this world, they are the intrepid explorers of ‘inner space’ who want to reach new potentials for being human – and want to do so with others who are ready and excited for what’s next.
The other is a global practice community where people who have learned how to do the Mutual Awakening Practice can now meet to practice daily and participate in the the emergence of a new world – a world based not on divisiveness and hyper-individuation, but on unity, caring, love and cooperation.
EVOLUTIONARY RELATIONSHIPS: Unleashing The Power Of Mutual Awakening
For millennia, spirituality has been a deeply personal pursuit – monks on mountaintops and yogis in caves. But the world is more social than ever, and interconnectedness is transforming everything, from our family lives to work. Today, we need a spirituality that focuses more on “we” than “me.”
In Evolutionary Relationships, Patricia Albere draws on more than four decades of teaching work to introduce a new spirituality called “mutual awakening” that you can explore with a friend, lover, spouse, or partner. With practices to guide you and lessons to inspire you, this book helps you become more available to yourself, your partner, and our world.
>> View more information about Evolutionary Relationships here.
This free e-Course integrates the teachings from Patricia Albere's best-selling book Evolutionary Relationships and practices designed to deepen relatedness and connection.
Your Introduction to Mutual Awakening e-Course includes the first four chapters of Patricia's best selling book Evolutionary Relationships and supporting teachings with practices to bring the content alive.
You'll receive the following sections of her book:
- Prologue: The Longing
- Chapter One: What is an Evolutionary Relationship
- Chapter Two: Awakening to the We
- Chapter Three: Practicing Mutual Awakening

We are living in a time of unprecedented connectivity. With our world’s population approaching the 7.5-billion mark, and technology allowing us to converge with previously unimaginable speed and frequency . . . we humans are virtually – and quite literally – bumping into each other.
Connectivity may, in fact, be the most powerful tool in our lives today, with informational, economic, social, cultural and political impact.
Yet for all the ways connectivity has expanded our ability to earn a living without ever leaving our home office, stay in touch with long lost relatives and order just about anything we can think of with the click of a mouse, it hasn’t had the same impact on the spiritual practices we use to access higher levels of consciousness and expand what’s really possible for our lives and our world.
In fact, the spiritual practices that are available to us often require that we do exactly the opposite of connecting – retreat from one another, close our eyes, and become quiet and still.
Isn’t it time we turn toward each other to activate our highest potentials?
After all, the most highly evolved parts of the human brain and nervous system are wired for relatedness and engagement. And that’s what we actually need to tap into and cultivate in order for us all to move to the next phase of our evolution.
Internationally known contemporary spiritual teacher and bestselling author, Patricia Albere has helped 200,000 people transform their lives and their consciousness over the last 40 years. She is the originator of an emergent, 21st century spiritual practice called Mutual Awakening – a practice that actually supports our human need to connect with each other and experience shared unity.
During this powerful, one-hour talk, Patricia will reveal the new paradigm of consciousness and leading edge spiritual practice we all can use to step into the fullness and power of who we are and who we can be together.

What exactly a Mutual Awakening Practice is –
and how simple and reliable it is for anyone to use.
How it came to be –
and the science behind it.
Why now is such a particularly important time in our evolution for us to move from personal to shared awakening.
How the sustained focus on love that the Mutual Awakening Practice requires and inspires, activates the brain’s powerful gamma waves, which are scientifically shown to create:
- Heightened perceptual awareness
- Rapt attention
- Synergistic firing of all sides of the brain
- Increased memory recall
- A supercharged state of joy and happiness, and
- An increased ability to let go of chronic emotional patterns and limiting beliefs
How the consciousness you develop through the Mutual Awakening Practice deepens and expands every dimension of our lives, including:
- Being in flow and moving beyond resistance
- Becoming more masterful and attuned to your work
- Attracting the opportunities and people that will support you
- Increasing your capacity for intimacy in your relationships
- Igniting your creativity
- Experiencing both peace and inspiration

Human Beings are the beginning of the next stage of evolution. We are being called to transcend our egoic energy of separation, self-concern, fear, and deception to become something more… to experience our actual interconnectedness and unity with the superorganism HUMANITY.
Is it possible that as we learn to engage with each other from our deepest center we unite and access a new world of wholeness, divine creativity, love and abundance through each of our unique lives?
In this workshop, Patricia Albere will lead practices—as simple as they are profound—that call us into a shared space of awakened consciousness, a place where insight and revelation spontaneously arise. This opening, created and held between us, becomes a portal for the source of creativity to emerge, bringing a continuous mystical awakening.
Unlike solo meditation, which makes use of very slow brain waves to lower reactivity, the Mutual Awakening Practice that Patricia will guide you through activates the brain’s powerful Gamma waves, sending it soaring into a supercharged state of heightened perception. Science shows increased Gamma waves are associated with:
- Heightened perceptual awareness
- Rapt attention
- Synergistic firing of all sides of the brain
- Increased memory recall
- A supercharged state of joy and happiness, and
- An increased ability to let go of chronic emotional patterns and limiting beliefs
From this heightened state, through our sustained attention on love and kindness, we open into a realm of ultimate meaning and Creative Union where we can both express our full uniqueness and discover a way of being that only arises when we become ‘one’.
You will discover:
- A higher order of human relatedness and new possibilities of love are right at hand.
- How evolutionary emergence works to create new forms of existence and how to cooperate with the flows of collective emergence.
And, the perspective of Creative Union and the necessary fusion for the next level of consciousness will be discussed and worked with through the mutual awakening core practice.
Mystics peer into the deeper realities that lie hidden beneath our ordinary experience. Liberated from the hypnotic spell of convention, their awareness is free to explore the profound and the extraordinary. Mysticism has most often been associated with the lone adventurer, but this journey into the miraculous can also be shared.
In this workshop, Patricia Albere will take you into the miraculous space of WE-Mysticism. Through a series of dynamic discussions and practices, you will be guided step-by-step into the profound experience of what has become known as the ‘Higher We.’
As the assumed limitation and isolation of your more habitual sense of self falls away, you will enter into a realm of experience in which you were never separate. As you share this We-Mystical possibility with others, you will see for yourself how truly magnificent human life can be.
You will discover:
- The 5 characteristics of We-Mysticism.
- How to make direct contact with our shared deepest longing for divinity.

There is a new world of being related, where we enter into an awakened field of consciousness and touch reality together. This dimension of consciousness is as dramatically different as normal, waking consciousness is to enlightened awareness. Our ways of communing and communicating transform. We are no longer separate objects trying to share meaning and understanding across the distance. Instead, within the reality of oneness there is influence, flow, energetic exchange and revelation. How do we navigate and dance inside the intimacy and intensity of love and creativity that arise? What are the forms of dialog and silence aligned with the sustained consciousness of inter-being?
In this interactive salon, Patricia Albere will guide you through a series of dynamic discussions and practices that will bring you into a profound experience of sacred dialog and an exploration of inter-being meditation.
As human consciousness evolves and awakens through us, we feel new urgings and attractions calling us forward. We find that we want to experience deeper, more intimate, more substantial, more transparent, and more positively intense levels of connection with others. We intuitively know so much more is possible. We sense that there is an opening that can happen when we come together that will take us far beyond where we can go on our own. We feel a desire to give ourselves more completely to life through a kind of love and creativity that is shared.
You will discover:
- Sohbet, a Sufi devotional practice of spiritual transmission, where our souls meet and through the meeting are refined and transformed.
- By becoming somatically aware of our deep heart center and sharing it consciously together, an opening into egoless communion is created.
When we encounter a true spiritual path, we realize that the journey of becoming ourSelves is actually one of disappearing – becoming transparent, being open to the power of existence and our true Selves flowing through us unhindered. Anyone who has mastered anything discovers that when they are experiencing the height of mastery – the ‘I’ that they usually identify with isn’t there. There is no ‘dancer’, only the experience of being ‘danced’.
What does it take to enter into a shared awakening? In this workshop we will explore the level of shared transparency necessary to enter into a sustained field of unity. How do we become radically open, undefended and sensitized to deeper dimensions of reality? How does this practice of mutual awakening allow us to become more and more ‘self-less’? And in turn, more ourSelves than ever before.
You will discover:
- How radical transparency, relational courage and a love of the truth liberates us to speak and know reality.
- We have the power to live a new consciousness and bring it more fearlessly into our lives and into the world.
“Patricia is doing some of the most innovative work now happening at the leading edge of human evolution. I’m aware of spiritual teachers who are intuiting and talking about the emergence of this ‘Higher We’ but I’m not aware of anyone who is as articulate and well-practiced in bringing people into these fields of shared consciousness as she is.”
~ Stephen Dinan, CEO and Founder of the Shift Network
“Patricia’s vision is fresh, compelling, and above all hopeful. Her work holds the potent and powerful promise of moving us to the next level of our individual and collective awakening. Because of the path her work is forging, I predict that one day soon, we will find ourselves walking down the street, driving in our cars, or sitting on a subway, profoundly related to and organically connected to those around us, whether we know them personally or not. For when enough of us are awake in this way, we then will know how to solve our many unsolvable problems and co-create a world that we will feel proud to pass on to future generations.”
~ Katherine Woodward Thomas,
New York Times Bestselling Author, Teacher, and Marriage and Family Therapist
~ Barbara Marx Hubbard,
Prolific Author and Founder of The Foundation for Conscious Evolution
~ Martin Rutte,
Co-author of the New York Times Business Bestseller,
Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work & Founder of Project Heaven On Earth
To book Patricia Albere for a speaking engagement or interactive workshop, please contact:
Carolyne Mathlin at carolyne@evolutionarycollective.com