[VIDEO TEACHING] There are things that are infinite. Working on yourself is not one of them.
There are things that are infinite. Working on yourself is not one of them. I’d love to share more with you about exploring the infinite worlds of what is possible between us, inside shared unity. You’re invited to join me on my free, live workshop: Beyond Me to We: Activating our Highest Potentials through Mutual Awakening Sunday, October 10th, …
Haven’t Got Time for the Pain…….
While driving across the Richmond Bridge from Berkeley to Marin County in California I had a random 70’s song list playing on iTunes. (I know… I can hear my DJ son rolling his eyes). Anyway, Carly Simon came on singing an old favorite… ‘Cause I haven’t got time for the pain I haven’t got room for the pain I haven’t …
The Wheel of Time…
While I was a student of A.H. Almaas for 8 years, one of the teachings that caught my attention was his teaching on the wheel of time. It indicates that at certain times in history, spirituality emerges to respond to what is needed at a particular time. We are living in one of those times. A new kind of consciousness …
What happens when you encounter the unmistakably real?
As Laura said, the second threshold of shared unity is indeed real and only occurs through actual contact, together. If you are feeling the pull to start your journey in Mutual Awakening and access the reality of the 2nd Threshold, there’s still time to join our just added course. We start in 2 days on Saturday, July 16th at 10 …
[VIDEO TEACHING] There are things that are infinite. Working on yourself is not one of them.
Hi. I recently came across a video from when I visited my friends at Integral Centered Leadership in Boulder, Colorado. After 5 years and a global pandemic, I’m struck by the fact that what I shared that day is still true – even more so, actually. There are things that are infinite. Working on yourself is not one of …
Evolutionary Belonging – Let’s Misfit Together…
“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because …
[VIDEO TEACHING] A Path Beyond Traditional Solo Awakening
Hi. While I was a student of A.H. Almaas for 8 years, one of the teachings that caught my attention was his teaching on the wheel of time. It indicates that at certain times in history, spirituality emerges to respond to what is needed at a particular time. We are living in one of those times. A new kind …
If you’re excited about infinitely working on yourself, this isn’t for you…
Hi. I recently came across a video from when I visited my friends at Integral Centered Leadership in Boulder, Colorado. After 5 years and a global pandemic, I’m struck by the fact that what I shared that day is still true – even more so, actually. There are things that are infinite. Working on yourself is not one of …
Unity Deep Dive – Join me this Sunday for Thresholds of Unity
Hi. On Sunday’s WE-Map it was pure joy to have the Evolutionary Collective Core join us for a deep dive into shared unity. At the beginning of our practice on Sunday I took a couple minutes to share about the Evolutionary Collective Core and what makes participating in it so distinct. I’d love to share with you what I said …
[FREE EVENT TOMORROW] Access Heaven on Earth: Discover the Radical Potentials of Mutual Awakening
Hi. Did you know that the personal development industry is a multi billion dollar industry worldwide and that it is expected to only get bigger in the coming years? That’s astonishing to me considering that in the early 1970s when I first started working for Werner Erhard and est (now known as Landmark), people had a hard time understanding what …
[Video] The Evolutionary Process and Quantum Leap into Shared Unity
Hi. Did you know that the personal development industry is a multi billion dollar industry worldwide and that it is expected to only get bigger in the coming years? That’s astonishing to me considering that in the early 1970s when I first started working for Werner Erhard and est (now known as Landmark), people had a hard time understanding what …
The Emergent Potential of InterBeing – A Story about Roseto, Pennsylvania
Groups of people have collective identities, and the identities of the groups that we are a part of have a profound effect over us. There is a new emergent possibility of ‘InterBeing’ and how the field of relatedness can become a living organism of shared communion. Being on the edge – arrow of evolution – is powerful and empowering even …
It ends tomorrow – don’t miss the Sacred Relationships Series bonus package!
Dear Friend, Over the years that I’ve been teaching Mutual Awakening, I’ve heard from countless people about the benefits they experience from immersing themselves in the practice and field of this second threshold of shared unity. I’d love to share with you what one of the members of our Mutual Awakening daily practice community (Evolutionary Collective Global), Vini, recently shared …
[VIDEO] Shifting & Expanding Reference Points of Existence
Hi. One of the great joys of our 7-day a week Global Practice Community dedicated to Mutual Awakening is that I get to hear from people about how this practice is impacting their lives. I’d like to share with you what Nancy recently said about how the Mutual Awakening practice is changing her life and experience. Listen to Nancy describe …