The future,
the leading edge of evolution,
is being born through
the space between us.
There is a new world of relatedness waiting.
-- Patricia Albere is opening the evolutionary doorway to the next stage of human evolution.
Her Mutual Awakening Practice enables us to embody and to connect…until we form a new whole being. This work goes beyond cultivating We Space to demonstrating ‘Whole Space.’ The frequencies generated by a large group doing Mutual Awakening Practices are an evolutionary consciousness breakthrough… The Mutual Awakening Practice is, I believe, a vital evolutionary necessity for the quantum jump that is imminent when we humans are connected as a whole at the proper scale.

Barbara Marx Hubbard
Founder of The Foundation for Conscious Evolution
-- Patricia’s vision is fresh, compelling, and above all hopeful.
Her work holds the potent and powerful promise of moving us to the next level of our individual and collective awakening. Because of the path her work is forging, I predict that one day soon, we will find ourselves walking down the street, driving in our cars, or sitting on a subway, profoundly related to and organically connected to those around us, whether we know them personally or not. For when enough of us are awake in this way, we then will know how to solve our many unsolvable problems and co-create a world that we will feel proud to pass on to future generations."

Katherine Woodward Thomas
New York Times Bestselling Author, Marriage and Family Therapist and Inspirational Speaker
-- Patricia is doing some of the most innovative work now happening at the leading edge of human evolution.
I’m aware of spiritual teachers who are intuiting and talking about the emergence of this ‘Higher We’ but I’m not aware of anyone who is as articulate and well-practiced in bringing people into these fields of shared consciousness as she is.

Stephen Dinan
CEO and Founder of the Shift Network
-- What a powerful and simple way to come together!
I’m living extraordinary moments of connection with the Mutual Awakening Practice. Things are powerfully opening up, leading me to unexpected and unknown places of intimacy and connection. I feel tectonic plates are shifting in my personality revealing the next era of Being."

Martin Rutte
Co-author of the New York Times Business Bestseller, Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work & Founder of Project Heaven On Earth