two hands in prayer

“Your Whole Being Becomes a Thanksgiving”

By Patricia Albere

As many of us move into our American tradition of Thanksgiving, even in these strange times that allow most of us to join together with our families, may we find our relationship with something greater and deeper.  May we uncover the truth of our unity.  Especially now, may we remind each other of our love and desire to have a world that works for everyone….

Happy Thanksgiving …
With love and gratitude,

Gratitude arises whenever you start feeling God’s presence around you; then only gratitude is left.

Then your whole energy becomes gratitude, then your whole being becomes a thanksgiving, it becomes a prayer — because nothing is missing, and the world is so perfect, and everything is as it should be.

Gratitude is natural.

Gratitude is not something that can be practiced.

You have been taught to be grateful; you cannot be.

Gratefulness is a consequence: when you feel God close by, gratitude arises.

It is a by-product. Respect arises. This respect is not something that you manage, it is something beyond you.

You have been taught to be grateful to your parents, taught to be grateful to your teachers, taught to be grateful to your elders, but those are all just conditionings.

When real gratitude arises, then you see what a tremendous difference there is. The gratitude that was taught was just a concept, a dead ritual. You were following it like a mechanism.

When the real gratitude upsurges in your being, you feel for the first time what prayer is, what love is.

~ Osho