The Third Threshold: Functioning Body of Unity
Living as the emerging edge of human consciousness
Discovering this work can be a strange but wondrous experience. Often people recognize that they come from the same 'future' and feel a deep alignment with those of us who are here. Intuitively we know that we need each other to live that future together. The Evolutionary Collective Core exists in service to shared unity, to facilitate its evolution in and through us. We are living the next stage of human development now together.
The work of the Evolutionary Collective is inspired by the vision of an emerging humanity in the new era of unity.
I understand that the new potentials for humanity emerge between us when we gather in miraculous ways, for the noblest of reasons, with the perfect amount of sensitivity and commitment. There are specific conditions necessary. Core membership is a commitment to the lived embodiment of unitive awareness. As a Core member you will experience a qualitative shift living in a new dimension of consciousness.
In Unity,

Membership Includes:

Mutual Indwelling: The Privilege of Living within a Mystical Body of Unity
Gather with dedicated people from around the world, who are committed and capable of living inside a body of unity. Inhabit the space where the leading edge of human evolution is emerging.

Private Virtual Seminars with Patricia Albere & Core Members
Teaching and practice sessions designed to catalyze, support and integrate further alignment with the the highest potentials of evolution. Our main teaching calls will be on alternating Thursdays from 5 to 6:30 pm PT / 8 to 9:30 pm ET. Schedule to be provided later. Estimated value of $1,800.

Twelve Days of Virtual Intensives
Six 2-day intensives allow the Core the necessary time to deepen. Schedule provided below. Estimated value $3,575.

Daily Access to Mutual Awakening Practices
Expand your experience of unilocal realization through access to daily Mutual Awakening Practice sessions offered through Evolutionary Collective Global and private practices with Core.
Recordings of Core Calls
Recordings of all Thursday & Intensive Core Calls.
Membership Portal
Exclusive, membership-based, page with access to all the Core materials, recordings, and resources.
Discounted Participation in any Evolutionary Collective Intensives and Events
Attend any of the Core Orientations at no charge. Tuition for additional events, classes, and retreats will be offered by the Evolutionary Collective not included in your Global or Core membership will be offered at a reduced rate for all Core members.
Private Facebook Group
Secret course community page on Facebook for Core members only.
Membership in the Evolutionary Collective Core is an opportunity for you to pioneer the leading edge of human consciousness.
2-Day Intensive Dates for 2021
Each 2-day Intensive will meet online
Saturdays from 9 am to 5 pm PT / Noon to 8 pm ET
Sundays from 9 am to 4 pm PT / Noon to 7 pm ET
Saturday, May 15th &
Sunday, May 16th, 2021
Saturday, July 17th &
Sunday, July 18th, 2021
Saturday, September 11th &
Sunday, September 12th, 2021
Saturday, November 6th &
Sunday, November 7th, 2021
2-Day Intensive Dates for 2022
Each 2-day Intensive will meet online
Saturdays from 9 am to 4 pm PT / Noon to 7 pm ET
Sundays from 9 am to 4 pm PT / Noon to 7 pm ET
Saturday, January 8th &
Sunday, January 9th, 2022
Saturday, March 5th &
Sunday, July 6th, 2022
Location Information

Patricia Albere is at ground zero of an evolutionary stream of spiritual awakening. One in which we learn to go beyond individual psychology and transformation into a new space of mutual awakening or ‘inter-being’ or ‘we-mysticism’.
She is the founder and director of the Evolutionary Collective and an internationally known contemporary spiritual teacher and best selling author. Her unique discovery of the essential components that create an awakened ‘we space’ is transforming our understanding of what it possible in the space between us and in creating new fields of higher collective consciousness. Her work creates a powerful field of shared consciousness that reveals previously unimagined potentials for human development that can and is moving humanity far beyond the limits of personal growth. She has worked with over 200,000 people in groups in the last 40 years. Her mastery as a transformative teacher is now innovating a new field of ‘inter-subjective awakening’ and post-personal development.